Registration Fee 2024-2025


Registration Fee 2024-2025


Registration is $50 PER FAMILY. This is a one time, annual fee that is non-refundable and is not applied toward tuition. If you have multiple children please be sure to submit a form for each child attending by clicking “Register An Additional Child” on the previous page. Thank you!

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The Three-Year-Old Program is a child-centered program. Children will explore, create and engage in many structured & unstructured activities. Students learn through play focusing on personal and social growth. Spanish lessons are now incorporated into all students’ morning programming.

The Four-Year-Old Program provides an age-appropriate setting and curriculum that preserves the 3's child-centered focus in harmony with a more structured learning environment. Teacher-directed whole and small group activities will take on greater importance as we prepare our 4's for Kindergarten. Lessons will concentrate on improving fine motor, social, pre-reading and pre-math skills in a balanced literacy environment. Spanish lessons are now incorporated into all students’ morning programming.

Fun Fridays is a combination of art expression and large motor activities. Children will be able to participate in structured art activities followed by health and fitness group play. Available for 3 year olds and 4 year olds.

Afternoon Adventures is a thematic hands-on experience where children explore and enjoy unique adventures. This enriching program immerses students in the content through fun, imaginative and real-life experiences. Afternoon Adventures students will eat lunch at school, the school does not provide lunch.